More updates to Coordinates app

I’m delighted to introduce new update to Coordinates app.

If you missed out version 3.6 features, you can read it here.

Version 3.7!

Dedicated Search Page


We decided to separate search boxes to make it far less confusing for us to code a search feature. And because of that,

UTM Search, Web Mercator and World Mercator are now possible!

And the best of all

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone X - 2019-01-24 at 16.13.46.png
Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone X - 2019-01-24 at 16.25.31.png

Search location name on the map!

We hope to bring this map search feature to all apps we have, but not until we perfect it.

Again, sorry for bad UI but I’d like you to get this new feature early while I’m working on better design.

After we done, we might as well call it version 4.0!

See you again next time.

Please feel free to send us a message here. We don’t hear anything from you since Version 3.6 :( :( :(

Note: Lan Lon Auto works exactly the same as legacy search. but we might stop offering MGRS option on this section.